Digital Nomad Jobs

25 Digital Nomad Jobs for Aspiring Travelers 2023

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As soon as I started traveling abroad, I was hooked. Like most people lusting after full-time travel, I had the travel bug and I just couldn’t shake it. Having people tell me to “just get travel out of your system” only made things worse. I was determined to find digital nomad jobs that allowed me to work from anywhere in the world.

But, this was a lot easier said than done.

Digital Nomads

Searching high and low, I just couldn’t find something that worked for me. After years of attempting every outlet I could find, I was able to break into the digital nomad lifestyle. And contrary to popular belief, the grass IS actually greener on this side.

What Is A Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad is a term coined for people that have the ability to work and earn money from anywhere in the world using their computer and wifi.

As technology progresses and our dependence on the internet increases, digital nomad jobs are becoming more common.

20 Digital Nomad Jobs To Consider

The digital nomad community is extremely welcoming and helpful. Thanks to invaluable insight from several other remote workers, I was able to construct a list of the best digital nomad jobs on the market.

Since I’m not an expert on all of these digital nomad jobs, I’ve linked to helpful blog posts, podcasts, and resources to help you understand these careers in greater detail.

After reading this blog post, you’ll have a great idea of what each job entails, the requirements necessary, and how you can start your digital nomad journey.

1. Teach English Online

Important Update:As of August 2021, the Chinese government has effectively halted the sale of online ESL courses. This means that companies like VIPKID and Magic Ears can no longer serve students in China.

What does this mean for the online ESL world? I would not recommend applying for or working for any online ESL company that is based out of China.

One of the easiest jobs for transitioning into the digital nomad lifestyle is teaching English online. This is the job that helped my full-time travel dream become reality.

In early 2018, I began teaching English with an online company calledVIPKID. Because VIPKID teachers choose their own teaching hours(anytime during Beijing hours), I have personally created a perfectly balanced work-life schedule. When I am traveling, I teach far less. Alternatively, when I’m not traveling, I can work more.

VIPKID Digital Nomad Job - Teach English Online

Pay is dependent upon your experience but most teachers are paid between $18 – 24 per hour. I currently make $22 per hour and typically earn around $2,500 per month(again, this depends on how much I choose to work).

Like mostonline English teaching companies, I work with Chinese students that range in age from 3 – 15 years old. The requirements to work for this company include:

  • A bachelor’s degree in any subject
  • One year of experience working with children in any setting(babysitting, nannying, coaching, mentoring, etc.)
  • The legal right to work in the United States or Canada

You are NOT required to know Chinese. Speaking from experience, I can’t even properly pronounce “hello” in Chinese! You’re also not required to prepare any teaching materials. The teaching materials are provided for you, all you need to do is show up and teach.

VIPKID Application Rejected

For more information on how to get started with this digital nomad job, check out myVIPKID page. Here, you’ll find the answers to all of your questions.

Additionally, you can check out the VIPKID website byclicking on this link.

2. Blogging

Prior to 2014, I never knew that bloggers could actually make money. To my surprise, bloggers can make a LOT of money, and the best part about it? It’s a completely remote career.

Digital Nomad Jobs

I want to be upfront with you because I know many bloggers aren’t quite honest about their work. Making money as a blogger is NOT easy. I struggled to earn money from my blog for years, only becoming a truly professional travel blogger at the beginning of 2019.

From those failures and successes with my website, I’ve learned that blogging is one of the best jobs for digital nomads. The freedom and independence you experience from running a blog are unlike any other career.

You might be wondering, “but how do bloggers make money?”

There are several streams of income that bloggers tap into including affiliate marketing, advertisements, selling their own products or courses, sponsored partnerships, and many more.

Each blogger has their own strategies and their ways of making money. Some make a few hundred dollars every month while others make over $100,000 per month. Yes, PER MONTH. You read that right.

How To Make Money As A Travel Blogger

3. Continue In Your Field

Another way to secure a digital nomad job is by continuing in the field you currently work in. Unless you’re a server at a restaurant or cashier at a store, it’s likely that you can transform your job into a remote career. You’d be surprised at how many people can turn their current careers into a digital nomad lifestyle.

Working Remotely

There are two ways to approach this: you can find a new job in your field that allows you to work remotely or you can ask your current boss about working remotely.

To find new jobs in your field that allow you to work remotely, check out these websites:FlexJobsandWorking Nomads.

Using FlexJobs, you’ll be able to search through jobs in over 50 career categories including event planning, sports & fitness, marketing, human services, travel, and so much more.

Working Nomads Digital Nomad Jobs

Working Nomads is very similar to Flexjobs. Search through remote job boards in career categories like legal, health care, design, and more.

On the other hand, it isn’t always necessary to search for a new job if your current employer will allow you to work remotely. You’d be surprised by how many companies allow their workers to transition to the digital nomad lifestyle and keep their jobs.

If you’re a quality employee, why would they want to replace you? Give them a good reason as to why you’d do well as a location-independent employee. Also include reasons why the company would benefit from this.

Note:If you plan on working for a US company while living or traveling abroad,this postwill help you understand the ins and outs.

4. Virtual Assistant

With the rise of digital nomad jobs, it isn’t surprising that virtual assistants are in high demand. A virtual assistant is like an administrative assistant that works remotely.

虚拟助手可以做任何回答emails to scheduling appointments to calendar management. The duties will depend on the specific job you apply for.

How to Work Remotely as a Digital Nomad

Some virtual assistants work for one company, business, or person, while others work as freelancers and have many clients.

Start your virtual assistant job search usingVirtual Vocations.

5. Freelance

Here’s a broad topic that could spark some ideas for many of you. One of the best ways to find digital nomad jobs is to become a freelancer.

A freelancer of what you may ask?

Anything! There are freelancers in almost ANY career field: software developers, chemical engineers, interior designers, writers, paralegals, you name it.

A freelancer isn’t a career necessarily, but a way that people conduct work. Instead of working for one company or business, they manage themselves and work for several different clients doing a variety of different jobs. Each of these jobs could last days, months, or even years.

As a freelancer, you get to choose who you work with, how much you want to get paid(in a reasonable sense), and where you work. Clients tend to come to you, but there are definitely ways to get your feet wet when you’re just starting out.

A great website to sort through is calledUpWork. Upwork connects businesses with freelancers. I also recommend checking out the siteFiverrto broadcast your freelance work to potential clients.

6. Etsy Shop

Before you decide that you aren’t crafty enough to open anEtsyshop, hear me out.

Etsy is a virtual marketplace where people sell their unique products, but this doesn’t mean you have to be a professional knitter. You can sell almost anything on Etsy as long as it’s a great idea.

For example, I know of a digital nomad couple that lives solely off of their Etsy store earnings. They aren’t particularly crafty, but they figured out the perfect Etsy store niche and it has taken off.

Open an Etsy Store as a Digital Nomad

Once a week, they go to the thrift stores and garage sales in their current area. They find old maps of different cities and sell these on their Etsy site. They make over $2,000 per month from this and they don’t even have to knit anything.

The best way to become a digital nomad with an Etsy store is to find products that don’t need a lot of maintaining and can be created and sold worldwide. These passive income products take the form of digital downloads or ebooks.

Once you find the perfect product to create, consider opening an Etsy store to market your product and start earning money from anywhere in the world.

7. Transcription

Any fast and efficient typists out there? This one’s for you.

Getting into transcription is one of the easiest ways to find a digital nomad job that supports you wherever you go.

Digital Nomad Jobs

The duty of transcriptionists is to listen to audio recordings and type what they hear. These audio recordings can be long or short depending on the type of job you find.

Start your digital nomad job search withTranscribeMe!and click on “Join our team”. This company helps connect freelance transcribers with clients. There are many other sites out there for aspiring transcriptionists but they don’t pay nearly as much as TranscribeMe.

Transcriptionists who work for a business are paid approximately $20-25 per hour on average. Freelance transcriptionists can make up to $50-60 per hour.

8. Programming

Coding has quickly become one of the best digital nomad jobs available today. You’re sure to find a remote career in the programming field with the right knowledge and experience.

Many programmers receive a computer science degree from a university but in reality, a degree isn’t necessary. I know several coders who are self-taught that have successful remote careers in this field.

If you already have the qualifications to work in the computer science field, check for job listings usingFlexJobs,Indeed, andLinkedIn.

But perhaps you’re like me: a complete newbie to coding, computer science, and programming. No problem! Start withCodecademy, a completely free online school for coding.

A few years ago, I started using Codecademy to teach myself to code for my blog. The things I learned in just a few lessons were mind-blowing and I’m able to apply what I learned to my current business rather than outsourcing this work.

9. SEO Specialist

With the rise of technology and the internet, understanding SEO strategies is an invaluable skill. Being able to apply SEO strategies to websites is an easy way to find digital nomad jobs in today’s workplace and earn a decent living.

Finding a Location Independent Career

SEO stands for search engine optimization and it’s a vital part of creating a successful website and business. In order to gain traffic to your business’s website, you’ll need to appear in Google search results. SEO focuses on designing your website and posts in a way that maximizes your chances of appearing at the top of Google’s search page.

This is another digital nomad job that doesn’t require a degree. Luckily, you can easily teach yourself these skills using free and paid resources.

To dive headfirst into SEO strategy, sign up for the courseStupid Simple SEO. After taking this course, I truly feel that I could work as a freelance SEO manager for websites and companies(although I currently save my SEO skills for my own website).

10. Videography & Video Editor

There are so many ways to earn money as a videographer and video editor these days. Videos are taking over mainstream media; people are visual creatures and video is the best way to connect with people’s emotions.

Not only can professional videographers earn a lot of money, but they can also work remotely, making it one of the best jobs for an aspiring digital nomad.

Whether you decide to pursue wedding videography, video editing for businesses, or becoming a professional Youtuber, the future is bright. Video will continue to dominate the scene for the foreseeable future.

11. Photographer

Since videography is on this list, photography must be on this list, too.

For years, photographers have found clever ways to work remotely and earn a living. So if you have a passion for photography, why can’t you do it too?


Find out how this photographer makes a remote income in Heath and Alyssa’s Podcast, The RV Entrepreneur:From Wedding Photographer Burnout to Professional Photo Editor for Hire.

12. Fitness & Lifestyle Coach

In the digital nomad community, you’ll find many fitness and lifestyle coaches. Don’t be discouraged though, there’s room for you too!

Digital Nomad Jobs

There is a variety of fitness and lifestyle coaches, all offering different services. Some of these services might include custom meal plans, career coaching, weight-loss guidance, and more.

In order to start your digital nomad journey as a fitness or lifestyle coach, my suggestion is to start a website, grow your Instagram following, and talk to people at your local gym.

For inspiration, I highly recommend checking out the websiteAvocadu. Avocadu is a health and lifestyle blog that helps women lose weight and stay healthy. Use some of their techniques to build your own client base.

13. Podcasting

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like podcasts have really taken off in recent years. There are podcasts out there for everything and everyone.

Not only can podcasts be fun to create, but they can be a great way to earn a remote income. How great would it be to earn a living talking about something you love?

Podcasting Remotely

Podcasters earn money through advertisements, so you’ll have to build a following before you see any financial gains. But with a unique and interesting niche, your podcast could very well support your digital nomad lifestyle.

If you’re interested in starting a podcast, check out this helpful blog post from My Millennial Guide:How to Start a Podcast.

14. Investor

旅行时的另一种方式谋生是through investments. Some people choose to invest in the stock market while others put their money into businesses.

Invest in Airbnb Rentals

One of the coolest digital nomad jobs I’ve heard was investing in real estate. I know a husband and wife that decided to invest in vacation homes; they use Airbnb to rent out their homes to tourists. They earn enough money doing this to not only support themselves financially but also to pay off each of their mortgages.

Investing in real estate becomes a digital nomad job when you hire a vacation rental company or friend to care for your home while you’re away. If someone else is taking care of guests and cleaning the rental property, there is no need for you to be present. Just be sure to hire someone you trust.

Check out how you can create your ownAirbnb listing here!

15. Graphic Design

Since graphic designers work very closely with computers and software, it can be easy for them to pick up and move locations at the drop of a hat.

Remote Work Opportunities

Most people believe that the only way to become a successful graphic designer is to get a degree in graphic design. Interestingly enough, college degrees are helpful but definitely not necessary for this career path.

Check out this blog post by Dana Nicole,Become a Graphic Designer Without Going to School, that tells you everything you need to know about pursuing a career in graphic design.

16. Writing

There are so many different types of writers that it’s difficult to cover such a broad career field. However, finding work as a writer can almost guarantee you a digital nomad lifestyle.

There are copywriters, technical writers, freelance writers, and report writers, to name just a few. Each of these has its own duties and job responsibilities.

To find the best writing jobs quickly, check out:


I have used every single one of the websites listed above to find and order articles for several of my websites. I can verify that they are legitimate based on personal experience.

Below, I’ve listed a few more websites that accept writers, but since I do not have personal experience with them, I can’t verify that they are great sites or not. With that said, I’ve heard from others that they are quality platforms.



In addition to these content writing platforms, I strongly suggest joining a few Facebook groups dedicated to connecting writers with potential gigs. I have heard that this is the best way to network and find reliable work.

And finally, you can find even more writing opportunities by visitingWorking Nomads Writing Job Board.

17. Social Media Manager & Assistant

Become a digital nomad by managing social media outlets of businesses and companies. You’ll need a background in social media management, but again, a degree isn’t necessary.

A social media manager could be responsible for email marketing, running Pinterest or Instagram accounts, or creating effective Facebook ads.

Working as a Social Media Manager Remotely

Find out more about this digital nomad job by visiting this blog post:How to Become a Social Media Manager.

18. Bookkeeping

Already a CPA? Did you know you can transition to a location independent CPA? It’s true! Lots of CPAs work with clients while traveling the globe.

The transition might not be easy, but you can read all about how to become a digital nomad CPA through this podcast episode:Chad Davis on Scaling a 100% Remote Accounting Firm.

19. Cryptocurrency Trader

最近,我有一个朋友告诉我关于他的经过nce trading cryptocurrency. Not sure what cryptocurrency is? Think Bitcoin or Ethereum.

When he first mentioned this to me, I had no idea how this worked or why he was doing it. But as it turns out, it is an extremely legitimate way to earn a passive income.

Read more about earning a profit fromtrading cryptocurrency here.

20. Build A Digital Course

Back in 2019, I started to build a blog from the ground up. Using proven SEO strategies and affiliate marketing skills, we were able to grow our blog to six figures within 16 months.

Once we saw the power of this, we decided to build another website. And another. And another.

Seeing success from those websites validated our strategies and we decided it was time to share our wisdom with others. Through a digital course, I teach others how to grow and monetize their websites using display ads and affiliate marketing.

Thanks to our course, we’ve doubled our income and helped hundreds of others create and monetize their travel blogs.

So, my question is… do you have a skill that others might benefit from? This could be anything: marketing, knitting, hair styling, lifting weights, etc.

Whatever your skill set, there is an audience out there begging you to teach them. Put your skills into a digital course and sell it! Think of this as a how-to book, but in video form.

To learn even more about digital courses, I recommend checking outAmy Porterfieldand her extremely helpful podcast,网络营销使Easy.

5 Additional Travel-Related Jobs For Digital Nomads

Didn’t find any potential jobs in the list above? Don’t worry! There are still ways to enjoy this incredible world and earn money while doing it.

I’ve made an additional list of travel-related jobs below. Keep in mind, these jobs aren’t necessarily digital nomad jobs, but they do allow you to travel and see the world outside of a small cubicle.

1. Work on a Cruise Ship

An awesome way to see the world and earn money is by working on a cruise ship. Cruise ships hire people in various fields including hospitality, theater, medicine, IT, and more.

Working on a Cruise Ship

Check out these two websites to find available positions on cruise

2. Yacht Crew Member (Stewardess or Deckhand)

很多人混淆在一艘游艇working on a yacht, when in fact they are quite different. Working on a yacht requires prerequisites and certifications, but the benefits are phenomenal.

Digital Nomad and Travel Jobs

You’ll be sailing the sea with a small group of other workers. It’ll be the duty of the crew to take care of the boat and any passengers on board. As a yacht stewardess or deckhand, you’ll experience long and tiring hours but the money will be awesome.

As a stewardess or deckhand on a yacht, your room and board will be completely covered. Saving money while sailing the world has never been easier. Not to mention, you’ll stop in some of the most beautiful port towns in the world.

To learn more about working on a yacht, check out this blog post:Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess.

3. Tour Guide

Becoming a tour guide will allow you to choose your location and earn money by showing others around.

When I visit other countries, I enjoy taking free walking tours around the city to understand more about the culture and history. The tour guides work for tips and earn a decent living doing this.

If you’re looking to become a tour guide in a foreign city, you’ll need to be well-versed in something specific about that city(i.e. history, food, culture, or another unique category). Create your tour and run through the route and script before performing for travelers.

The best ways to attract tourists are by creating an Airbnb experience, talking with local hostels, printing and distributing fliers, and offering free tours(work for tips).

4. Teach English Abroad

Directly after graduating from the University of Minnesota, I began working for a financial planning company. My co-workers were awesome, but sitting in a desk for 8 hours a day didn’t suit my travel aspirations.

I decided to make a big change and move to the other side of the world. Bangkok, to be exact. There, I became an English teacher at an elementary school. I worked on weekdays and spent weekends exploring the beautiful Thai islands and countryside.

Teach Abroad, Digital Nomad

If you’re interested in teaching abroad, I highly recommend reading through our blog post:Teach in Thailand: The Most Extensive How-To Guide. You’ll learn everything you need to know about making this transition and what you can expect.

5. Travel Nurse

Up until recently, I didn’t know nurses had the opportunity to travel for their jobs. My mom has been a nurse all of her life but we’ve always stayed in one place. A few years ago, my friend told me about the option to become a travel nurse. Although I am not a nurse, I was intrigued.

Hospitals around the US are experiencing a shortage of staff. This is where travel nurses come in. Travel nurses take up positions in hospitals that need temporary help. This could be in places like Alaska, California, New York, anywhere!

Travel Nursing for Digital Nomads

If you’re already a nurse or you’re an aspiring nurse, consider looking into travel nursing. One of the best agencies to work with isPrimetime Health Care. They help connect nurses with temporary jobs around the US.

Insurance As A Digital Nomad

One of the most common questions we get asked associated with digital nomad jobs is… what about insurance?

好问题。作为美国人,这是我们struggled with for years. And as a freelancer or small business owner, it’s vital that you figure it out sooner than later.

We recommend looking intoSafetyWing’s Remote Health programorZion Health Share. We have used both of the companies for health insurance and have had great experiences.

The Wrap-Up: Digital Nomad Jobs

Having the freedom to choose your own schedule, travel wherever and whenever you’d like, and create a perfect work-life balance is what digital nomad jobs are all about. Finding digital nomad jobs has helped me transition into full-time travel.

If you’re looking to transition into a location independent career, use the list above to generate ideas and to help you find the perfect job.

Want To Be A Travel Blogger?

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    1. Awesome advice, as usual, Laura! What you do is phenomenal and I can only continue to admire you and your journey. Thank you for your inspiration and, who knows, maybe one of these days I’ll really take you up on it! In the meantime, continue to enjoy your spectacular lifestyle!

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