6PKID Feedback: Samples & Templates to Make Feedback Easier

6PKIDis one of the best and easiest jobs. The students are awesome(well.. most of them)and the classroom materials are updated and informational.

But, as with any job, there will always be downfalls. One of the most tedious tasks as a VIPKID teacher is completing student feedback.

In this post, you’ll learn exactly what to say in student feedback and how to make this process easier.

When To Submit Class Feedback

Teachers are required to submit feedback within 12 hours of every class. If feedback isn’t submitted within 12 hours of the class finish time, you will only receive 50% of pay.

Although I don’t fully agree with this policy, I understand how important feedback is for parents. Feedback helps them understand how their child is doing in English class and how they can improve.

You can submit feedback via the computer app or the smartphone app.

In order to submit feedback on the computer app, open up the home page of the dashboard. On the right-hand side, you’ll see a “to-do” list. The first task on the to-do list is “Missing CF/UA”. Click on this option to type and submit your class feedback.

6PKID Feedback
How to Submit VIPKID Feedback

To submit feedback via the smartphone app, go to the homepage. Pull up on the tab at the bottom of the homepage that reads “To-do List”. This is where you’ll find your missing feedback submissions, booking requests, and tasks. To complete feedback, click the “Edit” button next to the student’s name.


Note:You may ONLY use the smartphone app to fill out feedback for regular main course classes. So, if you taught a trial class, a voice of VIPKID lesson, a phonics lesson, or a unit assessment, you will not be able to use the smartphone app to fill in those feedback forms.

In order to fill out feedback for other classes using your smartphone, simply use your browser and go tovipkidteachers.com.

There you will be able to access the feedback forms for other VIPKID classes on your phone.

How To Write Great Class Feedback

Before I started teaching with VIPKID, I was informed that teachers MUST submit feedback after every class. The only problem was that I wasn’t told what to write or how I should write it.

A few veteran teachers gave me some advice and told me to write feedback in this format:

1. Something the student did well
2.某物the student can work on
3. Another concept that the student did well

And while this might seem like good advice, it didn’t help me at all. I didn’t know what kind of language to use with the parents or what they wanted to hear.

After receiving my first four-apple feedback and negative comment from a parent, I quickly understood what the parents wanted to hear.

How to leave VIPKID feedback - templates and examples

When you are writing feedback about students, you want to say a lot of positive things. Steer clear of saying anything negative about the student.

Most parents respect a teacher’s honesty, but other parents become upset. Having a parent rate you poorly for simply telling them that their child is struggling with a concept is NOT ideal.

The key to having heaps of returning students is to keep the parents happy. I’ve found that the easiest way to build a great relationship with the parents is through feedback. So, it’s important to use positive and encouraging language throughout your feedback submissions.


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    6PKID Feedback Templates And Examples

    Below I’ve written out several examples of how you should write your VIPKID feedback. Feel free to copy this template and use them to submit your class feedback.

    Note:for each of these examples, I will use the name Kitty.

    6PKID Trial Class Feedback

    I was so happy to meet Kitty today. She is an excellent student and she did a fantastic job with the coursework. During our lesson, Kitty learned how to introduce herself and tell me her age. I was so impressed with how quickly Kitty learned new vocabulary words. By the end of the lesson, Kitty was able to independently use these vocabulary words in complete sentences. She also did a wonderful job reciting her ABCs. I think Kitty would be an outstanding VIPKID student and I hope to have her in class regularly.

    6PKID Feedback For A New Student

    I was so happy to meet Kitty today. She is an outstanding student and she did a great job with the coursework. During our lesson, Kitty and I talked about landforms. She quickly understood the new vocabulary words, which included: island, mountain, and hill. Kitty was able to identify these new words in pictures and use them in sentence frames. For homework, Kitty can practice using the present continuous verb tense. Keep up the fantastic work and I hope to see you again very soon!

    6PKID Feedback For A Struggling Student

    I was happy to see Kitty again today. During our lesson, Kitty and I focused on animal body parts. She learned several new vocabulary words including tail, horns, and fin. She did a great job understanding these words. For homework, Kitty can continue to practice reading the long vowel o words. She can practice reading words like: hop/hope, con/cone, bon/bone. I was very proud of Kitty for working so hard during our lesson today. I look forward to our next class together!

    If you feel the student needs a level adjustment, inform the VIPKID learning partner.

    You can tell the learning partner this at the bottom of the feedback form on the computer app. The learning partner will kindly suggest a level adjustment to the parents and leave the teacher out of the discussion.

    6PKID Learning Partner

    Using the learning partner to talk to the parents is the best way to avoid confrontation with the parents. Is this passive? Absolutely, but it works well!

    6PKID Feedback For An Excellent Student

    I was so happy to see Kitty again today. She did an amazing job with the coursework. She was easily able to understand the new concepts including several new vocabulary words and sentence frames. Kitty uses complete sentences independently and can engage in conversation fluently. We continued to talk about landforms today. This information was very easy for Kitty. In fact, I think she would do really well at a higher level. Kitty is a joy to have in class and I look forward to our next lesson together.

    6PKID Feedback For A Naughty Student

    I was happy to see Kitty again today. During our lesson, Kitty was a bit distracted; she frequently played with her toys. When Kitty did focus on the lesson, she did an excellent job. She did a great job paying attention for the last half of class. During today’s lesson, we started to learn about the foods we eat. She was able to identify different kinds of food and tell me about the food she liked. For homework, Kitty can continue to practice using complete sentences to answer questions. I hope to see her again very soon!

    I always leave the gruesome details for the learning partner.

    After the lesson is over, I fill out the feedback and explain the issue to the learning partner. The learning partner will then contact the parents to let them know about the situation.

    If the problem persists, you can always call the fireman during class.

    The fireman will typically call the parents during the lesson to let them know about the issue. Some parents sit by their students for the remainder of the lesson. Other parents don’t answer their phones, meaning you have to tough it out.

    During one of my classes, I had a student act extremely inappropriately to the point where I felt very uncomfortable.

    I contacted the fireman to let him know what was going on. The fireman told me that if I ever felt uncomfortable, I could leave the classroom.

    So, if you ever feel uncomfortable, you CAN leave the room. You will explain the situation to VIPKID after class. They will then review the class playback video and determine what actions to take next.

    Feedback Panda

    It’s no secret that leaving VIPKID student feedback can become a chore.

    And for new teachers, it can take up a lot of time.

    But it doesn’t have to!

    If you haven’t heard of Feedback Panda yet, buckle up because it will change your life. Okay, okay.. it may not change your life, but it will save you a BUNCH of time on VIPKID feedback.

    A large majority of VIPKID teachers use Feedback Panda to complete their student feedback and they have raving reviews.

    If you’d like to know more about Feedback Panda, here is our recent blog post:An Honest Review of Feedback Panda.

    Want to sign up for Feedback Panda?Use my link and try it out for free for an entire month:Feedback Panda

    How To Receive Positive Parent Feedback (5 Apples)

    Parents are also allowed to leave feedback for teachers after classes. The only difference is that this is optional for them.

    Some parents decide to leave feedback while others do not. Expect around 20% of parents to leave feedback.

    Parent feedback is very important for VIPKID teachers. Positive feedback helps increase your booking rate because it lets other parents know that you are a good teacher.

    How to Get Five Apple Feedback VIPKID

    Ask For Positive Feedback

    The easiest way to receive a lot of positive parent feedback is to ask.

    This might sound pushy, but don’t think of it that way! The parents don’t mind and it will definitely increase your feedback percentage. After typing out your class feedback, add this template to the end:

    If you liked my teaching today, please leave me positive 5-apple feedback. It is very important for VIPKID teachers to receive positive feedback after every class. Thank you so much!

    For more information about receiving positive parent feedback, check out our recent post:6PKID Negative Parent Feedback and How to Avoid It.

    The Wrap-Up: VIPKID Feedback

    The VIPKID feedback process doesn’t have to take up all of your time. Just remember to always use positive language when talking to the parents about their child. Use the examples above when submitting class feedback. This will help you connect well with parents and keep your booking rate high.

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      6PKID Feedback and Templates


        1. Hi Sarah,

          I don’t reply to any parent feedback. Soon you’ll be getting a lot of feedback from parents and it will be unnecessary to answer all of them.

      1. August will be my second full month with VIPkid. I am getting about 60 classes a week, and my students seem happy, but I have only gotten 9 total reviews so far (all 5 apples).

        I sign each feedback report like this:

        [I hope you book our next class together soon!

        Teacher Allie

        P.S.: Don’t forget to leave a 5-Apple feedback and follow my profile for future classes. ]


          1. 嗨,艾略特

            是的,我们有很多的技巧。你看过我们的帖子吗about How To Quickly Get Bookings With VIPKID? If not, I highly recommend reading through it!

      2. Hello, Laura!

        I’ve really enjoyed reading this helpful post about writing quality student feedback! I agree with your philosophy of sandwiching positive feedback points with the area our students need to improve. I think this is always important to end on a positive note.

        I also really enjoyed how you provided specific examples of quality written feedback for specific student types and situations we as online teachers commonly come across.

        A personal struggle I’ve had is getting over the block of not wanting to directly ask parents to leave me nice review. You made a great point that it isn’t as bad as it seems. When I think back to when others have requested my feedback, I was personally happy to leave a review. I am happy to help others grow but I don’t always remember to leave reviews so the reminder is helpful. I think most of our students’ parents feel similarly.

        Keep writing wonderfully helpful articles, Laura! I’ve really enjoyed reading the articles you have on your website to help online ESL teachers like me!


        1. Hi Tori,

          I totally understand how you feel about feeling a bit strange asking parents for feedback, but with the differences in cultures, it is completely normal and okay to do this with your VIPKID parents. Just like you said, they like the reminder!

          Good luck and thank ou for the kind words

        1. I’ve done that, too. Nothing you can do now. It’s not a great feeling for you, but it’s likely that the parents won’t read it or they might assume it’s a bad translation. No worries!

            1. Hi Travis,

              Great question!

              Truthfully, not always. I would guess between 40% and 60% of parents actually read the feedback. I think a lot of parents don’t know how to check the feedback.

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