VIPKID Short Notice Classes: 5 Benefits of Short Notice Bookings

One of the many questions I often get about teaching English online withVIPKIDis, “what are short notice classes and why do they matter?”

Good question!

In this post, I’m going to explain exactly what VIPKID short notice classes are and why you should take advantage of them as soon as possible.

What Are VIPKID Short Notice Classes?

VIPKID short notice classes are any lessons booked within 24 hours of the class start time. Parents are allowed to book classes tagged as short notice up until one hour before they begin.

VIPKID teachers have the option to tag any class as short notice. Note that if a teacher tags a class as short notice, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will result in a short notice booking. The class must be booked within the 24-hour window for it to be considered short notice. Consider the example below:

You have opened a class for 8:00am on Wednesday. For it to be considered a short notice class, a student must book it between the hours of 8:01am on Tuesday to 7:00am on Wednesday.

I most often receive short notice bookings when other students cancel their lessons just before the 24-hour window. Other students will swarm to fill those vacancies. If they book the class within 24 hours of the class start time, BINGO! I’ve got myself a short notice booking.

How Do I Open Short Notice Classes?

In the booking tab of yourVIPKID teacher’s portal, you’ll be able to open and close classes at your desire. In order to tag your classes as short notice, you must click the button that reads “Short Notice”.

See the pictures below for a visual explanation:

VIPKID Short Notice Classes
Regular booking (not short notice)
VIPKID Short Notice
VIPKID short notice booking

You can also do this on the phone application. To mark a class as short notice, you must click the button on each class that says: “24HR”. The button will then turn blue.


So what is the purpose of short notice classes? There are several benefits to opening these kinds of classes. Some teachers use the short notice button to make more money while others use it as a strategy to get more bookings. Check out the top five benefits to opening short notice classes with VIPKID below:

1. Extra pay

An obvious benefit to opening short notice classes is the added pay. Who doesn’t want $4 more per hour? That’s almost a 20% increase in hourly wage!

Pro-tip:since this is such a significant jump in pay, many veteran teachers opt to ONLY open short notice classes. Throughout the summer of 2019, I regularly left several booking slots closed until 24 hours before the lesson started. Since I have many regulars and a high number of followers, I was able to quickly fill those spots. This brought my hourly salary from $21 to $25.

While it’s very lucrative to teach strictly short notice lessons, I wouldn’t recommend trying this until you have a strong following of students and a lot of positive parent feedback.

As a new teacher, your goal is to show parents that you have a steady schedule and open availability. When you feel comfortable and after you’ve been teaching with VIPKID for several months, I would transition into opening a few short notice classes here and there.

2. More bookings

Opening short notice classes with VIPKID not only increases your pay, but it also increases your likelihood of getting booked. A lot of new teachers worry that if their classes aren’t booked during the booking frenzy that they won’t be filled at all.

This simply isn’t true. Parents book classes throughout the week to fit their schedules. To avoid a strict commitment to VIPKID classes, it’s convenient for parents to book them short notice.

VIPKID Major Course Student

Since most teachers fill their schedules two weeks in advance, short notice classes become a hot commodity. In fact, one of the first tips I give new teachers to help increase bookings is to open short notice classes. You can read more about increasing your bookings in this post:How To Quickly Get Bookings with VIPKID.

3. Flexible schedule

Teaching with VIPKID has many benefits; one of the best is the ability to make your own schedule. Most VIPKID teachers set their schedules two weeks in advance. Other teachers wait until the day before to book classes.

Having full control over your day-to-day work schedule is awesome for many reasons. VIPKID has a strict teacher cancellation policy. By booking short notice classes, you’re able to dodge situations where you might need to cancel a class.

I also have many VIPKID teacher friends who use 24-hour bookings totravel the world. When the weather is nice, they opt to explore rather than teach classes. Alternatively, when the weather is crappy, they book as many classes as possible.

And of course, who could forget stay at home moms? How much easier is it to decide your teaching schedule the day before rather than two weeks ahead of time? Although I’m not a parent yet, I can only imagine how helpful this is.

4. New students & potential regulars

A not so obvious advantage of using the short notice booking option is the potential for new students. Most teachers appreciate having the same students day after day. And while I agree that having regulars is awesome, sometimes we run across a student that is.. well.. not so wonderful to have in class.

There are days where I’m just fed up with a badly behaved student. I let mom and dad know about the issues, I tell the fireman, and the learning partner. And yet, mom and dad STILL book classes with me.

Below, you will see a short clip of me trying to avoid the naughty students.

一个活跃是你预订通知类’ll be able to ditch some of these poorly behaved students in exchange for new students. I’ve done this several times and my rowdy students never find me (until I schedule classes two weeks in advance again.. ugh).

The point is, booking short notice classes will result in new students and potential regulars.

Pro-tip:Sometimes when I’m feeling a bit burnt out from teaching, I like to switch things up and meet a few new students. This keeps things exciting when I’m feeling “blah”. Booking short notice classes helps me meet new students.

5. Possible trial student conversions

A large portion of my short notice classes aretrial classes. Trial students usually want to take classes right away, which is why they end up booking short notice classes. Although trial classes can be repetitive, there are many perks to teaching them.

VIPKID teachers are rewarded $5 for every trial student that is converted into a paying customer.On average, I have approximately five new students sign up each month after taking a lesson with me. This number increases drastically when I teach more short notice classes.

Not only are you earning $2 extra for a short notice class, but you could potentially earn $5 extra for converting a student. There have been mornings where I make $35 per hour ($21 base pay, $4 for short notice classes, $10 for two trial student conversions). Not bad, eh?

The Wrap Up: VIPKID Short Notice Classes

As a VIPKID teacher, I urge you to consider the possibilities and benefits of opening short notice classes. By clicking the 24HR button, I’ve been able to add 20% more money to my paychecks and have the ability to create my own schedule day-by-day.

Do you open short notice classes? How do you benefit from them?

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    1. Hi Laura! I just wanted to reach out and thank you for all of your resources about VIPKid. I just signed my contract, and your blog has been tremendously helpful and comforting as I jump into this! The portal is a little challenging to navigate, and each question I have seems to be answered by you in a post! I am so excited and feel far more confident, thanks to your helpful and clear advice! Thanks again.

      1. Hi Rachel,

        You can have your slots open for short notice and they can be booked prior to the 24-hour mark, but you’ll only receive $2 extra if it was booked within the 24 hour window.

    2. Thank-you for your tremendous resources, they have helped me along my VIPkid journey. One question about short notice bookings; if I mark a class as short notice can it still be booked in advance? The 24H button doesn’t block the slot up to being booked does it?

      1. 嗨,珍妮花,

        Yay, I’m glad my blog has helped you! That’s my goal.

        If you mark a class as short notice, it can be booked at any time including up to 1 hour before the class start time. So yes, they can be booked in advance.

        I hope this helps!

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